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Pall Mall Dental

Smile Gallery

Composite Bonding
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Teeth Whitening, Composite Bondings on 2 teeth

Composite Bondings were used to enhance the appearance of this patient’s chipped front teeth following some Teeth Whiteing

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Teeth Whitening, Composite Bondings

This patient did not like the gap between her front teeth. In one appointment the gap was closed using composite bondings

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Teeth Whitening, Composite Bondings

Composite Edge Bonding gave a neat fix to these 4 chipped front teeth

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4 Composite Veneers restored this patients front teeth

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Internal+External Teeth Whitening, Composite Bondings

Internal teeth whitening was carried out to liftf the shade of 2 old Root Canal Treated teeth. Composite Bondings were then used to balance this patients smile.

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This old composite bonding was replaced leaving the tooth looking as good as new

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6 Composite Edge Bondings were used to restore this patient’s chipped front teeth

Dental Implants
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Teeth Extraction, 2 Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, Composite Bondings

This patient was delighted with her new teeth. 2 Implants were placed to replace her broken Upper Right Molar and missing Lower Right Molar. Also the old failing composites bondings were replaced, as well as nicely disguising the missing front tooth!)

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This patient was recommended to Dr Kaushal by a friend after he was assaulted and lost his 2 front teeth. He was thrilled once his teeth were replaced with 2 Dental Implants

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Upper Bonded Retainer, Composite Bondings, 2 Crowns, 4 Dental Implants

As part of a Full Mouth Rehabilitation this patient underwent Orthodontic treatment prior to rebuilding broken teeth and replacing missing teeth with Dental Implants

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This patient’s 3 lower back teeth were replaced with 3 Dental Implants and Crowns

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This patient presented aware of his failing dentition. His own teeth and some previous implants had to be removed. Subsequently new implants were placed and following a healing period with temporary dentures Dr Kaushal was able to provide Full Arch Implant Retained Bridges

Dental Hygiene
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White fillings
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Composite fillings placed to address tooth decay.

Pall Mall Dental
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