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Dental Implants in London

Pall Mall Dental
What our patients say
Pall Mall Dental £ London 020 7766 7150 Pall Mall Dental

"Outstanding as always, I'm not an easy patient! But Dr Soneji is always so gentle and he's also extremely helpful when planning my treatment. I won't go anywhere else now. My whole team at my office now go to Dr Soneji too and we all praise him. Thank you!"

Pall Mall Dental
“We have Dental Implant patients we treated 16 years ago still smiling today!”
Our Award Winning team offer the most successful treatments in the highly capable hands of our Principal Dental Surgeon, Dr Kaushal Soneji Dental Implants

Dr Kaushal Soneji – Diploma in Implant Surgery, Masters in Implant Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons

Dental Implants in the safest hands

Dr Kaushal Soneji our Lead Dental Surgeon is one of only a few dentists to be awarded both the prestigious Diploma in Implant Dentistry and the Diploma in Advanced Restorative Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Regarded highly experienced in his field , both Nationally and Internationally he specifically endorses the best Dental Implant products on the market that represent the cutting edge of modern Dentistry.

Find out more about
our implantologist Dr Soneji
Before Before
After After

This patient presented aware of his failing dentition. His own teeth and some previous implants had to be removed. Subsequently new implants were placed and following a healing period with temporary dentures Dr Kaushal was able to provide Full Arch Implant Retained Bridges

Before Before
After After

This patient was recommended to Dr Kaushal by a friend after he was assaulted and lost his 2 front teeth. He was thrilled once his teeth were replaced with 2 Dental Implants

Do you have gaps in your mouth from a previous extraction?

“At London’s Premier Dental Implant Centre we can now offer Same Day Implants. That’s right! … Dental Implants that can be fitted the very same day as your appointment!”

It’s incredible to think we now have the technology to give you the best smile you can imagine the very same day!

Dental Implants Offers Do you have unhealthy teeth that need replacing?

The most incredible aspect of modern day Dental Implants is that they can be fitted the very same day you have your old teeth removed, so you are ready to smile beautifully and confidently almost immediately!

Loose Dentures or tired of taking out old fashioned Dentures at night?

Same Day Implants can be fitted to both upper and lower jaws together with a specialised Permanent Implant Denture the very same day to ensure you eat and smile whilst living the life you truly deserve…a permanent solution to a temporary problem!

We only use Premium grade Dentsply (Ankylos and Astra Tech) Implants
Dental Implant only from £1515.00 per tooth
Implant Porcelain Crown only from £955.00 per tooth
Reasons for Dental Implants

A missing tooth can impact upon a persons confidence whilst speaking and smiling. It can also have a negative effect on your chewing ability.

A dental implant is a small titanium screw thats acts as an artificial tooth root when placed in the jaw. An abutment is then placed over the implant to create an anchor for either a crown , bridge or denture. Implants also preserve healthy adjacent teeth by eliminating the need to grind them down to support a bridge. Dental implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth and enable you to eat, speak and smile with confidence!

Time-tested results:

For over 40 years, dental implants have been used successfully in millions of people worldwide as a treatment option for one or more missing teeth.

At Pall Mall Dental we highly recommend the ANKYLOS and Astra Tech Dental Implant System. These implant systems are successfully backed by extensive clinical and scientific documentation.

No hidden costs:

Dr Kaushal Soneji is famously gentle and reassuring and speaks your language keeping the explanation of your tailor-made treatment plan simple and concise with absolutely no hidden costs.

Pall Mall Dental
Dental Implant Treatment Procedure
The first step to Dental Implant therapy is a discussion with your Dentist,followed by a thorough dental examination. An x ray is taken to assess the condition of your jaw and to check implant compatibility An impression is then taken and treatment plan provided with your Dentist providing a full easy to digest explanation of treatment, most importantly in a language you understand with no technical jargon!
There are two options for Dental Implant placement, depending on your own clinical situation in a one-step procedure, a Dental Implant is placed and then a temporary abutment is attached. In a two-step procedure , the Dental Implant is placed and then covered by the gum and left to heal. The abutment is attached at a later date (see below). In both cases a temporary crown is put in place, followed by a maximum healing period of three months for the lower jaw , and six months for the upper jaw. NOTE: In some cases the Dental Implant can be loaded immediately! This does depend on you having a favourable bone condition (This will be confirmed at an original assessment)
In a one-step treatment, the temporary abutment is replaced by a permanent one after the Dental Implant has bonded with the bone tissue The second part of the two-step procedure involves making a minor incision to open the gum and put the abutment in place followed by a new impression
When your tailor made “life like” crown or denture is ready your Dentist simply attaches it to the Dental Implant This is really all there is to it!….it is virtually impossible to see the difference between the existing teeth and the new tooth.
Implants (Ankylos and Astra)
Dental Implant and Crown from £3100.00 per tooth
Dental Implant only from £1515.00 per tooth
Implant Porcelain Crown only from £955.00 per tooth
Customised Abutment (post) from £630.00
Bone Graft (from Intra Oral Site) from £1450.00
Sinus Lift from £720.00
Guided Bone Regeneration from £550.00
Socket Preservation from £550.00
Same Day Teeth – Per Jaw (Including Definitive Bridge) from £15,950.00
Pall Mall Dental

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They serve as a foundation for replacement teeth, such as crowns or bridges.

The dental implant procedure typically involves several steps. First, the dentist will numb the area and make a small incision in the gum to access the jawbone. Then, a small hole is drilled into the bone and the implant is placed. Over the next few months, the implant will fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once the implant is secure, a connector called an abutment is placed on top of the implant. Finally, a replacement tooth is attached to the abutment.

The dental implant procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia, so you should not feel any pain during the procedure. However, you may experience some discomfort and swelling after the procedure. The dentist will typically prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort.

Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution for missing teeth. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years, and in some cases, a lifetime. However, the lifespan of dental implants can vary depending on factors such as the patient's oral hygiene habits, the quality of the bone tissue, and other health factors.

Caring for dental implants is similar to caring for natural teeth. You should brush and floss regularly, and visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Additionally, you may need to use special tools, such as interdental brushes or water flossers, to clean around the implant.

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with dental implants. These can include infection, nerve damage, or implant failure. However, these risks are relatively rare, and most patients experience successful outcomes with few complications.

The cost of dental implants can vary depending on the number of implants needed, the location of the implants, and other factors. For an accurate price range, book a consultation with our dental team.

While dental implants are a safe and effective solution for many people, they may not be right for everyone. Factors such as the quality of the bone tissue, oral health, and overall health can impact the success of the procedure. When you book a consultation with us, our dentist will examine your particular situation and help determine if dental implants are a good option for you.

If you are interested in dental implants, the first step is to schedule a consultation with us. During the consultation, we will evaluate your oral health and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. We can also provide you with more information about the procedure, including the cost and any financing options that may be available.

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